Signs of Spring

Pear blossoms. Future confetti eggs. The asparagus is up in the p-patch plot. Little pea plants are waiting for enough warm days in a row and then they will reach all the way to the bottom rung on the pea fence. Under the row cover, I really should thin the spinach. I was too exuberant with the first batch of seed potatoes this year, cutting them for planting before they had a chance to put out early leaves. Naturally, they all rotted. This second batch is sunning on the windowsill, growing the tiniest of green leaves before they go into …

Finishing up the Harvest

I think I’m coming to the end of the harvest season. The tomatoes are slowing down (although they barely got up to speed in the first place), and I’ve pulled out the squashes, bringing in these tiny pumpkins. I’ve been digging potatoes for more than a month now. There are still several plants going strong in the p-patch, so I hope to double this: There’s a little basil in the garden that we’re eating up. There are some carrots that will stay out there until we need them. Otherwise, it’s all pretty much done. The blueberry shrubs are turning red, …

Harvest Time

These are not my tomatoes: Or rather, they are now. That is, I didn’t nurture these beauties. But my neighbors moved out and I rescued their tomatoes before the landscapers came through to ‘tidy up’. Isn’t it sad that productive vegetables aren’t considered a selling point in real estate? It’s harvest time in these parts. My tomatoes aren’t producing quite like these were, but I’m bring in a handful every couple of days. There are pumpkins on the vine and it looks like I might get a handful of green beans after all. (My garden is punishing me for going …