Summer Journal: Solstice in Fremont

I’m borrowing an idea from elsie marley for some of my summertime posts: brief updates so we can get back to the fun stuff. With that in mind, here are a handful of photos from our annual Picnic Brunch at the Fremont Fair and Solstice Parade. In case you need the naked bicyclist photos from this year, they are on Flickr, taken by other people. (Ahem, notice the word “naked” in previous sentence. I mean it.) Pre-parade street decorating. The only time each year when it’s ok to say to your kid, “Go play in the street!” About to be …

Not about sewing at all

I keep meaning to get out side with the camera and show off the garden, but it’s just not happening. Meanwhile, the garden isn’t slowing down. It’s a real spring this year, and things are off to a good start. In the backyard, the peas are close to 10 inches tall. The potatoes are in and sprouting; it’s actually almost time to add some more soil around the new plants (more soil depth now equals more potatoes later). So far, I’ve remembered to keep the carrot seedlings watered. The basil and squashes I started in the sunroom last month are …

Easter Treats

Last week, I found Betz White’s photo tutorial for some super-cute, adorably tiny Easter baskets made from 3 oz. Dixie cups. Naturally, I decided that I needed to make these for Easter. And put homemade candy in them. Never mind that I came up with this plan about a week before Easter. Clearly, it’s a very sensible plan. We painted our cups (instead of using markers like Betz) and I glittered some of them. Someday I’d like to upgrade the paint in our craft supplies from the washable Crayola stuff to something that doesn’t feel like chalk when it’s dry. …

Spring Flowers

It’s been raining for ages here. But the sun is out today, it’s thinking about being warm-ish, the flowering trees are gorgeous, our fruit trees are about to bloom, and there are flowers about. Every autumn I love the change in the season, thinking “This is my favorite time of year!” only to think the same about spring, six months later. Hoping your day is lovely, too, where ever you are! Save