Bees and Swaps

It’s come to my attention that I forgot to post a photo of the blocks I made for the November installment of Sew.Quilt.Give. I’m really curious to see how this one is going to look all put together. These are super simple to make and could be a bit of a stash-buster if you were feeling scrappy (or if you have a larger/more diverse scrap pile than I do). Would strips in spectrum-order end up too cutesy? Speaking of Sew.Quilt.Give., Marian has finished the quilt from July’s blocks. My blocks are still more saturated than everyone else’s but at least …

All wrapped up

Remember this project? Want to see what it became? These bags are officially tradition now. I made about a dozen (some of last year’s bags were returned for refills) of the tutorial size of Jeni‘s Drawstring Bags, which is the perfect size for several bundles of homemade candy. This year, the fabric bags contained the required caramels and English toffee (from Grandpa’s recipes), as well as salted caramels (which might become a staple), peanut brittle and chocolate dipped marshmallows. I was hoping to also include opera cremes, but that didn’t work out so well. And I ran out of time …

An Interruption

Look what came in the mail last week: StephC over at 3 Hours Past has launched Cake Patterns, focusing on make-able, wear-able, everyday wardrobe options, “always with pockets”! Tiramisu is the first pattern, and I’m extra excited because Steph is going to do a sew-along after the first of the year with info for the knits newbie. (Ok, maybe I’ve done a few things with knits in the last year, but I still feel awkward and intimidated around them.) Oh, and Steph is doing a pre-sale “circus” this week for Cake’s second pattern, Pavlova, a wrap top and skirt. I …

In Progress

A couple weeks ago, I shared the start of a project. Here’s an update: Traditions and all that. There are possibly a very limited number of extras. Speak up if you’d like to be on the receiving end!


Back in March, I announced my intentions of a personal Wardrobe Improvement Project. I made myself a single shirt and then there were clothes for Caitlyn and garden things and summer and harvest and preserving. Nothing else for me. Which is not to say that I’ve abandoned the idea. This pile is all intended to end up in my closet: There is a pair of jeans, a pair of black twill pants, a skirt, a cardigan, three other tops, and a possible scarf in this pile. Of course, it’s all just potential at this point. I haven’t actually done anything. …

A Small Side Project

I’ve stumbled upon a little block swap and have, perhaps foolishly, added one more thing to my sewing queue. The Postage Stamp Block Swap is making scrappy postage stamp blocks (duh!) for swapping. I’ve gone through my scrap basket and found at least 12 blocks of stamps, reducing the size of the scrap basket pile by about half. (Sure, there’s more in the basket, but using all of it would result in blocks that weren’t “scrappy” so much as “mostly made from one fabric”.) My other postage stamp quilt from 2011 is about half-way quilted. It needs quilting in the …