Making Pretty Lights

About the time the email discussion of How We Would Do Thanksgiving This Year got started last month, I saw this over at Uncommon Grace. We were discussing food, as one does, and spreading out the cooking responsibilities and I suggested that maybe, in addition to potatoes and pie, we could have a craft table set up. While most of the family members are quite happy to sit around and talk, Caitlyn doesn’t see the appeal. I thought having a creative space might keep her from being too much underfoot in the kitchen or from jumping on the couch unsupervised. Maybe part of the suggestion was for myself.

Caitlyn did mostly drawing during her craft table time. After she drew and cut out a crown with little wobbly bits on top, I gave her a crown template and she made two more, with lots of stickers and beads. And I made these:

modpodge and tissue paper candle holders

I started only going to make one, using a pepper jelly jar I’d been saving for a couple of years for something just like this. And it turned out to be so simple and satisfying, I made two more. The first one’s the best, probably because I over thought the other two.

modpodge and tissue paper candle holders

A while back, I picked up The Spiral Draw Book, mostly because I remember using Spirograph when I was too small to sit still for an entire church service. I think I used tissue paper that was too dark a color, though.

modpodge and tissue paper candle holders

This one, I think, is going to live in that special mama place. I traced Caitlyn’s hand eight times and used the resulting handprint shapes to cover the jar. I get just a tiny bit teary looking at it – I imagine that’s an effect that will grow as her hands get bigger.

modpodge and tissue paper candle holders

See, I’m getting smiley-teary already…

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