Ring-a-Ling Pocket

Ian recently upgraded his phone, so I’ve inherited the old iPhone. Look out world, I have a smart phone now, which mostly means I won’t be calling Ian to ask “where is that park/business/restaurant that I’m sure I’m close to but can’t quite find” anymore. The new phone is much larger than my old phone, which generally fit in my pocket. Not this one, which could lead me to rant about women’s fashion and the abominably small pockets therein. I mean, really, if you want to make it look like there are pockets but make them unusable so the presence …

Stuffing Without Stuffing

I am a contradiction. I like things organized, everything in it’s place, with minimal clutter. I don’t generally have things just to have things; each thing should fill a purpose, the more the better. But I also have my grandmother’s pack-rat gene. If it might be useful someday, it’s really hard to let go of it. I force myself to recycle cardboard boxes instead of keeping every single one we acquire; otherwise we’d never be able to put the car in the garage. Caitlyn’s baby things have gone into a box, although I’m not always sure who I might be …

Making Pretty Lights

About the time the email discussion of How We Would Do Thanksgiving This Year got started last month, I saw this over at Uncommon Grace. We were discussing food, as one does, and spreading out the cooking responsibilities and I suggested that maybe, in addition to potatoes and pie, we could have a craft table set up. While most of the family members are quite happy to sit around and talk, Caitlyn doesn’t see the appeal. I thought having a creative space might keep her from being too much underfoot in the kitchen or from jumping on the couch unsupervised. …

A new project: Or maybe I’ll start with this one: I may do some prep for a few more before I actually get started sewing anything. I’ve got the sewing table at it’s “tall” setting which makes cutting so much easier. Or maybe I should move all the other stuff off the table so it isn’t so blastedly difficult to adjust when I need it.