Proof that the internet is waaaay too much a part of my life: I hand-wrote a letter the other day. Folded it, put it in an envelope, addressed it, stamped it, and put it where the out-going mail goes. Thirty minutes later, I was obsessively checking my email looking for the response.

Things I’ve learned today: 7 pounds of rhubarb cans to a lot more than the 7 half-pint jars I was hoping for. I have 13 little jars of rhubarb now… one really should move the butter dish before firing up the canner… Caitlyn isn’t quite ready to give up afternoon naps, despite her protests to the contrary. She fell asleep in the stroller today, something she’s only done once before. This time, I had the sense not to try to put her in her bed but just draped a quilt over her and prayed the cat would not meow in …

Things Caitlyn says when she’s asleep: “I don’t want the tomato!” “Mama, wear gloves.” “S T U V W X Y and Z.”

Out of nowhere the other day, Caitlyn announced, “I don’t like the dark.” She paused, then confirmed, “I like the light.” Having just watched NightWatch, a Russian vampire movie, this was an especially reassuring statement.

Caitlyn: “Why do we have a cat?”Me: “Mama doesn’t like dogs.”“I like dogs.”“Well, when you are all grown up and live in your own house and are responsible, then you can have a dog.” A pause. “I don’t want to be responsible. I’ll have a cat.”

Ian just headed out to the party for this: Microsoft Photosynth makes star turn on CSI: NY tonight Not sure if I like the idea of it being a “Microsoft world”, but I do have quite a bit to be grateful to them for…