Kids Clothing Week Challenge, Fall 2011

It’s time for the Kids Clothing Week Challenge, Fall edition over at Elsie Marley! Pretty please, can I play too? It’s only two days in and already there’s cool stuff in the Flickr pool, like this skirt and this dress. But Caitlyn doesn’t really need anything in the clothes department this month. I’ll probably need my own version of KCWC come December or January when she suddenly puts on another inch or two, but right now she’s got dresses and skirts aplenty. I’ve got ideas about making some shirts someday, but that’s a project that’s a bit down the road …

Birthday Skirts and Making Do

I didn’t finish them in time for Caitlyn’s birthday, but I did eventually finish the thrift store experiments, or at least part one of said experiments. I had started out thinking I would make the dress version of Patterns by Figgy’s Tee for Two. But, as previously noted, there isn’t enough fabric lengthwise in an 5x large shirt to make a dress that wouldn’t be horribly indecent on my tall offspring. I’d run into this t-shirt dress pattern a few times and almost made the Figgy’s dress as much as I could have and then added in tiers of contrasting …

Thrift Store Experiments

After reading a number of posts (none of which I can find right now) about taking adult sized clothes acquired at a thrift store and transforming them into kid-size clothes, I thought I’d give it a try. This is a big step for me since I have never been a thrift-store shopper. In my experience, thrift stores tend to be all jumbled, making the process of finding something kind of like a scavenger hunt, only without the list of Things To Find. I guess some people carry that around in their head; I don’t. Maybe it’s because finding off-the-rack things …


Rachel over at PS I Quilt has launched another quilt along, and I’m not able to join in the fun. Frowny face. There’s a lot going on between now and the end of the month. Though a new quilt along would be fun, I’m not going to finish Caitlyn’s birthday present on time as it is. Not to mention that the last quilt along top still isn’t done yet. Oh, and Quilt Dad just announced his participation in another quilt along. This one is appealing for it’s traditional/sampler style. I admire all these modern quilts in modern fabrics, but sometimes …