More things Caitlyn says: “mok” (for milk) “fok” (for fork – dining at other people’s houses can be so much fun… “Fok! Fok! Fok!”) “plow-wo” (for pillow) “inch-ada” (for enchilada) “wha-wha-gigs” (for whirlygigs) “finging” (for swinging, a favorite activity) “nik-el” (for nipple) “upsie down” and “upsie up” (for upside down and right side up) “see water” (for sea otter) “Mama drive now” (upon being buckled into her carseat) “basketball” (for the action of throwing an object in an upwards direction, used as in “Basketball Caitlyn!”, loosely translated as “Throw me in the air and catch me!”)

“Four” doesn’t exist. Caitlyn counts the corners on the breakfast table: “One corner. Two corner. Three corners. Five corners.” Same thing when she’s counting pancakes on the griddle: “One pancake. Two pancake. Three pancakes. Five pancakes.” This afternoon, she was counting books: “One two three five six seven eight nine, seven eight nine.” Just to be sure, I asked her to say “four”: “Caitlyn, can you say ‘four’?” She looks at me, tucks her chin, and says, “Five”.

The Seattle Zoo has a tiger cub! She’s off public viewing, but the video that the zoo posts is oh-so-adorable. It’s just possible to catch yourself thinking, So cuddleable! …and then remember that she’s going to grow up to be 8 feet long, 200+ pounds, and have a meal preference of 85 pounds of raw meat. That’s just too much cat for this house. Not to mention too much meat. No, I think we’d better stick to felis domesticus. In other news, Caitlyn has her first set of Duplo Legos. She calls them “new Legos” and is particularly enchanted with …

Things Caitlyn says: “Coffee-bake” (for coffeecake) “Trampa-boing” (for trampoline) “Oh goomis” (for oh, my goodness) “Won awound” (when moving at high speeds in a roughly circular pattern) “Fan-gees” (for sandwiches) “Gargawoyal” (for gargoyle) and of course, “Mama help” and “Kitlyn do it”

Ian and Caitlyn were playing with our smaller camera (it fits in Ian’s pocket, as opposed to the big camera, which needs a backpack) the other day. Caitlyn loves the cameras. Recently, though, she’s stopped mugging for them and wants to push the buttons. One of these days, I should post one of her pictures… sometimes they come out as something recognizable (even if it’s just the ceiling), sometimes they are very “modern art”. Anyway, Ian was explaining why one shouldn’t put one’s fingers on the lens; it’s the camera’s eye. Caitlyn got that. Later Ian turned the camera off, …

Caitlyn wasn’t ready for sleep, I guess, when I finished her lullabies and left her room last night. Instead of in bed, under blankets, she was across the room, with her books. After she’d quieted down and fallen asleep, I went in to check on her. She’d made it to her bed and was lying on her tummy, with her head off her mat and on the carpet. Her stuffed black and white “Tinker” cat was tucked under one arm; her other was splayed across If I Ran the Circus, which she had brought to bed. It’s quite possible we …